Ø Works which cannot
be completed between sunrise and sunset and extend over a few days or weeks
during which period a continuous restriction of speed has to be in force, are
termed as works of long duration.
Ø Works such, as
relaying, bridge construction work etc are some examples.
Ø Temporary
engineering indicators shall be used at the spot to protect the work spot.
Ø When a train is
required to stop at the work spot a Caution indicator is erected at a distance
of not less than 1200 mts from the work spot and a stop indicator is erected at
a distance of 30 mts from the work spot.
of work spot where trains required to stop:
Ø SMs on either side
shall issue caution order for all trains indicating the location of indicators
Ø The LP of a train
shall reduce speed on approaching the caution indicator and bring his train to
a dead stop.
Ø The Engineering
watchman shall handover E.R.7 Book to the LP.
Ø The LP shall fill in
the date, train number and time and affix his signature and return the book to
the watchman.
Ø The watchman shall
exhibit a “Proceed with caution” hand signal to the LP.
Ø The LP shall restart
and proceed cautiously at a speed not exceeding 10 kmph over the work spot.
Ø On reaching the
termination board and after getting all right signal from the guard the train
shall resume normal speed. For short trains and LE `s guard shall show allright
signal after clearing the work spot.
not required to stop
Where trains are not required to stop at the
work spot a speed indicator shall be placed inplace of the stop indicator and
the LP shall proceed at a speed as indicated on the speed indicator.
Note: Both
works of short duration and long duration are temporary speed restrictions.