Protection rules on S/L, during
TSL working on D/L and on M/L (GR/SR 6.03)
Ø Protection means warning LP of an approaching train of apprehending
danger by using flasher light, Detonators, Warning signals and Hand danger
Ø Protection shall be arranged immediately after an accident or there is
detention on account of failure, obstruction or any reason exceeding 15 mins.
Ø LP shall inform guard by giving 4 short whistle. Guard shall acknowledge
and exhibit the LV
board/Tail lamp properly.
Single Line
Ø On single line the front side of the obstruction shall be protected by
Engine crew or any competent servant by placing one detonator at a distance of
600 mts from the place of obstruction and three detonators 10 mts apart at 1200
mts from the place of obstruction and a hand danger signal shall be exhibited
at a distance of 45 mts from the last detonator.
Ø Guard shall arrange protection in rear of obstruction by placing
detonators in a similar manner.
Ø Guard shall depute a competent servant and proceed towards the LP for
Double Line
Ø LP shall protect the adjacent line first in the train approaching
direction. Guard shall assist LP in arranging protection and to ensure the
adjacent line is protected and himself or any other competent person to arrange
protection in rear of the same line.
Ø If there is no obstruction on the adjacent line, then he has to protect
the train in rear first and then go towards LP.
Ø If sufficient time is not available for arranging protection or a train
is sighted the person going for protection shall place one detonator as far
away as possible from the obstruction and exhibit warning signals towards the
approaching train.
Multiple Lines
Ø Preference shall be given to the adjacent line in the train approaching
direction in the front by LP and in rear by guard.
Ø If the adjacent lines are opposite direction, LP to protect the adjacent
lines first and guard to assist him.
Ø If the adjacent lines are dual direction (twin S/L), then Guard to
protect the adjacent line in rear and the LP to protect the adjacent line in
front first.
Protection during TIC
Ø Guard to place 1 detonators at 250 mts in rear from train and at another
250 mts place 2 detonators 10 mts apart
Ø LP to place 1 detonators at 250 mts in rear from train and at another 250
mts place 2 detonators 10 mts apart
Ø If the train is to be backed, it must be protected from the place upto
which the train is going to be backed in case of emergency.
Note: Before going for protection, flasher lights must be switched ‘ON’ and Warning signal shall be used
wherever necessary.