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Thursday 14 December 2017

Engine pushing (GR/SR 4.12)

Engine pushing (GR/SR 4.12)

An engine shall push a train outside the station limits only under special instructions.
An engine may push a train outside station limits in circumstances such as-
1.   Regular working of Material trains.
2.   Inability of engine to haul the load.
3.   Line obstructed and trains required working to the point of obstruction.
4.   Working of relief trains during emergencies etc.
5. To pick up an injured passenger or a person knocked out by the   train, if considered necessary.
  Once a train enters a bock section normally it should not be pushed back.
  If the train is unable to go forward, and no relief engine is available, the Guard in consultation with LP can decide to push back the train after taking the following precautions.
Ø  The Guard/LP shall contact SM/SCOR/TPC telephonically and obtain permission to push back. Such permission shall be given by SM of the station in rear supported by a PN.
Ø  If SM/SCOR/TPC could not be contacted, the Guard/ALP shall walk to the nearest station and SM shall then issue Caution Order permitting pushing back.
Ø  SM of the station in advance shall issue Caution order only after obtaining permission supported by a PN from SM of station in rear.
Ø  Guard of the pushing train shall travel in the leading vehicle fitted with braking apparatus or hand brakes.
Ø  If the leading vehicle is not so fitted, the Guard shall travel in the nearest vehicle which is so fitted.
Ø  The speed of the train, when Guard is traveling in the leading vehicle shall not exceed 15 kmph and in any other vehicle, 10 kmph.
Ø  Guard shall keep a good lookout and continuously exhibit PHS to the LP. In absence of PHS, LP shall stop the train at once.
Ø  On single line sections, the LP of pushing train shall stop outside the FSS and whistle.
Ø  SM shall arrange to receive the train by taking OFF the reception signals.
Ø  On Double line sections when a train is pushed the LP shall bring his train to a stop opposite the FSS pertaining to the other line or at the LSS whichever he comes across first and whistle.
Ø  The train shall be piloted inside the station on a written memo issued by SM.
Ø  A Patrol or a searchlight special with one or more vehicles in front of the engine may be permitted to run at maximum speed of 40 kmph.

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