On 10.09.2017
there was untoward incident happened at BNC Yard. While moving Loco no. 13118/KJM
from BNC Rd.1A to Rd.2 (BYPL end), collided with RAII (CSO/SWR IC)+ stabled
formation. Luckily no person was injured but IC was damaged. LP was not aware
about the Rd.2 was occupied. Since LP was driving from long hood side, he was
entirely depending upon the ALP. Alp informed LP at the last moment about the
formation& IC, LP unable to stop the loco in advance & collided with
formation. Though the SM/BNC has failed to inform the LP
regarding occupied line and depute the P.Man at the spot, if the Crew was vigilant
then the incident would not happened.
performing shunting movements, LP should be aware about the movements, do not
depend entirely on ALPs. ALPs should promptly and immediately inform LP, as
soon as they notice any formation/vehicle stabled on the line of movement or
any other obstruction/unsafe condition on the track, to prevent such incidents
in future.