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Monday 15 January 2018

Fire on trains

Fire on trains
Ø  GDR to stop the train.
Ø  Guard to disconnect electricity
Ø  Then GDR to save passengers and Mail bags and render First Aid to passengers.
Ø  The carriage on fire must be isolated by uncoupling and drawn ahead to prevent adjacent vehicles catching fire
Ø  In case of vestibuled coach. It must be isolated by unfastening the fittings after securing the rear portion.
Ø  If not possible to unfasten, after uncoupling, the Engine must give a sudden pull to tear off the vestibule and then the carriage isolated.
Ø  After isolating the carriage, the fire must be extinguished by using Fire Extinguisher, water from the Engine, water from nearby place etc,
Ø  If water is available at a nearby place like river or well the carriage on fire can be taken to that place and fire put out.
Ø  Assistance of people living in and around can be had in putting out the fire.
Ø  In case of a town nearby, the services, of Fire services can be utilized
Ø  In spite of all endeavour, if fire cannot be put out – allow it to burn.
Ø   If the detention exceeds 15 minutes, train to be protected in the rear and front.

Fire on Goods train
Ø  Samples of the commodity to be preserved.
Ø  Seal cards and side cards must be preserved.
Ø  Earth, sod or grass can be used for putting out fire.
Ø  Seal cards, Side cards and Samples of goods must be sent to DCM.

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