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Sunday 12 November 2017

Duties of Loco pilots on exploding Detonators

Ø  When the Engine explodes detonator(s), the Loco pilot shall whistle intermittently and take every possible caution including reduction of speed as necessary, so as to have the train well under his control and be able to stop short of any obstruction on the line.
Ø  After proceeding 1.5 kms from the place where his engine exploded detonator(s), if his engine does not explode any more detonator(s), the LP may resume authorized speed, and report the incident to the next station.
Ø  In thick foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibility when his engine explodes 2 detonators within a distance of 10 mts apart, the loco pilot shall control his train immediately and will follow the aspect of the first stop signal within a distance of 270 mts.
Ø  When Loco pilot explodes 3 detonators within a distance of 40 mts he should control his train and move cautiously to stop short of any obstruction and be guided by the signal he may receive on the line.
Ø  When the LP notices a signal warning of an obstruction, except detonator(s), he will stop his train immediately and act on advice of the person exhibiting warning signal or on the basis of obstruction noticed by him.
Ø  In case on further details of exhibition of warning signal is noticed, after stopping for 1 min by day and 2 min by night to ascertain the location and cause of warning, LP shall proceed cautiously up to the next block station.

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